Parts Of A Flower EP - Dear Boy
I spotted this jacket while scrolling through Tumblr and I've had the link to the store bookmarked for a little while. This jacket is so tacky and ugly but so shiny and colourful and I'm so on the fence about whether or not to order one. There are a few things putting me off, like the fact there's no hood, I'm not even sure if it's waterproof, and I don't know whether it'll arrive looking like the photo or if they'll send a cheap knock-off version.
If you're willing to test it out for me, buy it here.
Flatform plimsolls
I used to have a pair of shoes like this a few years ago and I wore them until they fell to pieces. These days I live either in regular plimsolls or ridiculous platforms and these are the perfect middle ground. I haven't been able to find any on eBay which is where I usually do my shoe shopping but when I was looking for a photo to use here I found that New Look are selling the ones to the left so I'll be putting in an order very soon.
I'd like a copy of this painting to put up on my desk at work, not just because it's a gorgeous painting but also for the memory attached to it. "Which artist created The Kiss?" was a question at one of the pub quizzes my work team went to and we had to fight for the point when the quizmaster stated it was Rodin. I said afterwards that I'd get us all Klimt pictures for our desks and I haven't got them yet so I'll have to get on that soon. I'd also like some Warhol pictures and maybe a copy of Starry Night too.
Vertical striped tights
I did have a pair of these from H&M which were my favourite tights but the ladders in them got so big that I had to say goodbye this morning. As of now I'm on the hunt for a new pair of vertical striped tights but the shops don't seem to have patterned tights as much these days so I reckon I'll be heading off to eBay. The pair in the picture are by Pamela Mann but I won't be paying £9 for a pair!